Source control



Source control is a smarter way to work together. The source is an internet database that stores business/personal files in an Internet database for other people to share.Source control is which is the act of making changes to the files in whatever the person desires. GitHub is a command line tool that adds features to its own service clouds.

One of the most popular software is GitHub, organizationsGitHub is Trusted by more organisations 100,000 worlds wide.includeing the other popular companys such as Paypal, Airbnb and Spotify.GitHub is a source control started by Linux creator Linus Torvalds. GitHUb always stores backups of your recent projects so if someone made a mistake on one of your files you can use your backups to recover what was lost. You can also communicate with one another while your coding withing the service it also It also provides access control and several collaboration features, such as a wikis and basic task management tools for every project.(source)