Intro to 3D modelling (NET)

This module  we was briefed  to create NET  shapes so that we can  understand how basic shapes are made in physical 3d form. I First started to draw 8 Net shapes  that where presented by our tutor Paul Starkey and Gareth Sleightholme ,(The shapes will be presented  below). Once the shapes where drawn on the white board  I started to look and imagine in my head what that shape would look like in Net form. I began to  calculate in my head on how many sides the shape was and how it would look like flat packed. I also could of gotten help  from making the shape in physical form  to get a better idea on how to  make a net type on paper as well as understanding £d models when it comes to 3dsmax.

Here are some pictures from  3d realisation lesson on Wednesday afternoon.  creating something in physical form helps me to understand more about 3d shapes . I would use this method in my future ideas of modelling ,planing and unwrapping.