Group Project Creating a Building


My idea is to have a comic Bookstore that allows other people to look into the comic shop window to see a different variety of comic books, The comic store will be Themed a 90s bookstore, I want my shop to be a part of history so making the comic shop vintage and old is very important. The wood planes on the windows show wear and tear from the rain washing away the original paint. I want the door to look old but main held together by the glass pane, Every time you open the door you hear the old bell ringing above the door.The windows at the front of the shop will have some Posters that the shop had advertised in the past.The shop will show the shutter like there haven’t been pushed up properly, I won’t have any neon lights or anything like that but just a simple hangover light that illuminates’s Just the sign and the path below. At the front of the shop there will a small bench and a newspaper stand and possibly a gum ball machine, I want my comic shop to look inviting and to have a lot of narratives.

At the end of the first year, I am hoping to present a Winter, Autumn, summer and a night scene as my final render. At night the shutters will be down the light will stay on to illuminate the sign above so that night time adventures who come to pass by will know where their local comic shop is to visit another day.  The Autumn will have leafs piling again the shop, and the tone of the comic shop will look blue as the day goes on, at dusk the scene will turn bright orange from the sun.

Winter: This May have snow on the ground also on certain props outside of the shop.The color will also be dark blue or really light depending on the weather(example snow is on the floor everything is bright and cleaner).

Night time: The shop will be closed to the public, the shutters will be down and the light will flicker once in a while. The night will be cold and toned Dark blue.


Marek Denko( 3D artist)

Marek Denko was born in 1980 making him the age of 37 years old. Marek DenkoFirst fell in love with a computer in 1991, his first computer was the Atari 800XL. in 1991 he discovered a 3D program 3dstudio R4 and began to Learn, study freelancing in game models and architectural visualizations.

Reference images

Here are a few of reference images I collected near ST Stephans.The images include different parts from a shop I will implement these different parts from all the images and complain it into one.


Now I have done a rough layout of the street and a design what the front of my shop may look like.I am to move further into photo bashing,I will use this method of creativity to help me proceed further into my design.

Layout shopand desgin.png


To develop my design even further I have made a Photobash with the images I had collected of what a comic book would look like. The reason why I did photo bash is because I want my shop to look different and more unique from any other Comic shop. My Idea was already planned for my shop to be themed in the early 90s, so I went on google and picked different images that had a good narrative. I also went out to my local village Sutton and began to take some pictures of the old shops, such as Windows and doors.

Photobash Comic Store

Sketch up

To Help me develop my ideas further I had modeled my comic shop in Sketch up. (not to scale). I started to draw a box on the floor and extend it upwards. After I was ended up with a box I used the cut tool to cut out my windows and doors. so that it had a more of a look of a shop. I then added the Roof hangover to give it depth, didntI also brought out the wall so that it didn’t look flat. screen 001 comic shop.JPG

Comic Font

I wanted more of a Comic Font so that I could use for my sign.

link to the fonts I had used.

Comic Concept

I wanted you to see comic books from the window of my shop, I went and sketched out the (ActionJoe) Title in my book and colored and adjusted it to look like a comic.

The comic will be 25cm by 16.8 cm.


Comic Shop Progression

Here I will show you the progression of my building. As you can see I have shown you the very Basic on how I created my comic shop. Starting from gray blocking at the right dimensions of a common comic shop.learning dimensions is vital in the gaming industry, A good dimension is A real life-sized house, scale, GTA is a great example for this because of the open world and the Big city of LA. A Bad dimension is when nothing is to scale making the objects too small or too big, Gmod is a great example because the game engine(Source) allows anyone to create a game mode with its custom map.

The Dimensions of my building are

731.0cm Length

487.68cm Width

365.76cm Heigh

Door and windows are also to scale.



1.108cm Width

264.16cm  Heigh


299.757cm Length

10.775cm Width

205.811cm Heigh

My paper stand is also to scale 40 cm all around.


001 angle view001 dimentions correctly in place for modelinghave started to model the shop front

Here I tested the model within unreal to check the building dimensions.Test 001 unreal scaleI now added the inner door to the shop and the right side005 Now I have added Bay windows into the shop and a glass texture

Texturing Progression006 Now I have added hanging roof upport poles

Now that I have Completed my Model, I am now ready to take it into Substance Painter For texturing.I have Used the default textures already inside the software. I then Began to paint my textures onto my UVs. After I had done I exported my textures as PBR this would make my game more realistic with no shadows on my actual texture.


final Render

Here I had changed the lighting within the Unreal engine, I added 2 skylights to give the extra shadow underneath the roof hangover.I then changed the light color to a mild orange to give it a warm atmosphere.


Base Color maps

Here are all the color maps I used for my comic shop.

Putting it into Unreal as a group

now I have completed my model, as a group we were to put all our buildings  into Unreal Engine 4. once we had all merged all our building into one level to form a small town. Now we have completed this task ,a playable shooter game could be played within our level.


This brief has given me another Skill that I had learned in substance painter, I also tried out Substance designer to see what the differences were between the two, with Designer you created your own texture and with painter you painted the texture onto your model. I really enjoyed doing this brief because I tried to make a shop a few months ago for personal work but the texture and scale were all off it looked horrible, I have improved a lot with my texturing skills just by spending time doing this brief.toward the end of my design I was constantly changing on how my shop looked,I am pretty pleased with how it has turned out.