Game Models:H

Companies often realise their games as early access if you’re an indie developer. In early access games, they are developed over time as people are playing the game, customers play the game in its early stages they can give feedback to the developers and the  customers can request on what they want implanted into the game to make the game successful in the future . Once the game is out of early access the game then can be realised and proceed to produce  DLC or mod support  for the games.

Other company’s think its best to have Freemium  in a game instead of DlCs  and in a way Freemium is pay to win because it allows you to buy your chosen weapons or coins in game  (P2W). Alot of customers hate the thought of Freemium because It allows rich people to take over the game Not giving other people a chance to play the game fairly.

sean Plott says The “Freemium” model dominates mobile games. From Candy Crush Saga to Clash of Clans, “freemium” games and their in-app purchases account for about 70-80% of the $10 billion or more in iOS revenue each year.  he talks about  the criticism  for seemingly favouring money over skill. and  how this pay to win can benefit in game. HereClash-of-Clans-buy-gems-worldwide.jpg

Above you can see a visual Of some pay to win Gems used in Clash of the Clans. These Gems can be used to skip in game time when upgrading or you can buy more coins to upgrade you base and