Game Mechanics (Bonuses)

A bonus in game is when you accomplish  a quest and you are rewarded bonus  XP. You can also gain rewards  for good behaviour  in game. This includes coming back to play the game  certain days  or even coming back everyday to collect your bonus.

Bonuses are not just found in games  they can be given in real, By a Game from your game store,get a bonus  DLC for free…


Game Mechanics (Levels)

Levelling up in a game gives you  advancement in the game , this give you progression to aim for  a higher objective  from your previous task.

Levels can mean many different mechanic .

Levelling that shows other people  your rank in game.

Game levels when you accomplish  a level you move onto the next one.

levelling up  is one of the biggest mechanic in RPG and MMO games, this gives the player something to aim for and to accomplish on reaching the highest  level.


Game Mechanics(Behavioural Momentum)

Behavioural Momentum is a mechanic where the user repeats  a task to gain Levels.

Users may  play a game like GTA V Online with his/her friends.

Online you can level up your character to gain access to high valuable cars and weapons .

In GTA you can repeat any mission as many times as you like, if the player finds a good mission that gains him/her more XP/money then any other missions The the player will be more focused to repeat the same mission over and over again.


Game Mechanics(Ownership)

This mechanic gives you ownership over something you have earned  in the game.

people are given some valuable possessions  from completing a Quest or  completing the game,this gives you ownership of a medal  or some sort of object to show other people what you have earned.

Ownership can also include to games company  for there company (TM) Trade marked means you have ownership for that object or that company/name.

Game Mechanics (Productivity)

Productivity is all about  doing  things in a game in the most productive way . Lets say you need  to Build a house on a Survival game, You need to collect wood,But before you can collect the wood you have to make yourself a Axe.

Once you  have collected  enough wood you can start building your house(base) upon finishing the build of your house you can now work on to upgrade you home to stone, This will give your base extra protection against other people who try and destroy your home.

Game Mechanics (Free Lunch)

Nothing feels better when you log on to your favourite game with an reward waiting for you.It also feels good when you get something for nothing.  This mechanic has a lot of good  things and a lot of bad things about it.

For example

when you open your ingame mail or inbox you can be easily targeted to be scammed or hacked by another player, this will result in losing everything you earned in the game and end up with nothing.


Receiving gifts is highly fun as a player because it gives you that boost to play the game even more.

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