Initial research about different game company’s

To help me have a better understanding of different game company’s, I am to research different artist that work with multiple platforms such as films, Games, comics and short clips. I will do research about Jose Manuel Linares who is a 3D artist, Shiflett Brothers who is a physical 3D sculpting to understand character design and what their narrative are. understanding these artists will give me a better understanding on how I can reflect on my work, What am I doing wrong and what I could do better for next time. I want my environments to have a narrative and something that can catch a person’s eye.

Jose Manuel Linares.

Jose Manuel Linares Lopez Currently works freelance CG Senior Modeler. He has currently worked on Organic Modelling technique, Hard surfacing, Uv`s and sculpting. when looking at his environment’s you can see a technique’s of using hard Surfacing and sculpting.The pictures below shows a retro looking building that has a narrative of that the building is no longer in use, the wood that boards up the windows indicate someone has put them there to keep other people out, also shows that someone still owns it. This style is similar to Fallout 4. The shape of the cars and building it has a more organic feel to it making the building show that it’s on its own due to the trees in the background.  I would like to see for my children’s adaptation project to go in a similar direction, I want my environments to look similar to his put still have a sense it’s still based on Charlie and the chocolate factory book.

Jose Manuel Linares works with Autodesk Maya/Zbrush/UvLayout/Topgun for his main software. Jose can adapt to any working group due to his production of his work shown in his portfolio.

Jose Manuel Linares. portfolio


Paul Heaston

Paul Heaston really likes to draw interior and exterior environments, he also paints his environments but likes to draw more.He also sells a variety of supplies which include a bunch of art material such as, Pint, University pencils and paper. Paul received an MFA in painting from University in2008. Paul is happily married in Denver to a woman named Linda Permann, he also has a dog Freddie another extension to his family and a very friendly pet.

Paul has worked on books that include

The Art of Urban Sketching by Gabi Campanario
This book shows you beautiful artwork from all over the globe, there are  320-pages to this volume that gives you visuals of urban cities and buildings.
Capitol Knits by Tanis Gray
This urban environment created by Paul Heaston inspired me by the amount of narrative he has put into this project. the door that is half open indicating that someone is still living there (is he/she doing the gardening due to the tools been propped up against the house?). The house does need some TLC but for my main room, there are similar buildings like this, such as the powerhouse. If I could reflect on Pauls work I could make something similar to his environment.


Mike Hill

Mike Has been working with the film and games industry for 10 years to build up his portfolio and to gather different experiences.For his 10 years in the Industry, He worked as anConcept artist / 3D modeller/designer / Art Director.FDrom his hard work and His fantastic leadership, he was managed an Emmy award winning design studio, Kararkter.

In 2013 Mike left his management responsibilities at the studio to pursue to be his own boss at freelancing.Mike can now  work professionally by extending his work by teaming up with his skills with other AAA film/Gaming industry’s, Mike says “I now provide concept art and creative direction as an independent consultant.”Mike Hill has already worked with infinity ward in 2016 for the latest Call of duty Game, his role was to add narrative and  Environments to a futuristic game.

source Mike Hills Artstationmike-hill-marketing-illustration-2500.jpg

Mike Hill has a great perspective on sci-fi, His new work on the call of duty game has great visuals and has a great narrative in his environments, For my children’s adaptations brief, Narrative like Mike Hills Will be perfect for my environment designs.mike-hill-bridge-mezzanine-view-2500.jpg


Shiflett Brothers

The brothers also known as Brandon and Jarrod, are well known from all around the world from working with multiple gaming industries and films such as Peter Jackson and Robert Rodriguez.The two brothers have succeeded with six separate volumes of the annual book Spectrum making them one of the best Contemporary Fantastic Art.The brothers Taught a master class in sculpting for the comic book industry. The character creations they make are mainly non-fiction.In this video, Jarrod and Brandon Shiflett show you how they created one of the sculpting characters.; In my opinion, it would have taken the brothers decades of practice to achieve this amount of detail.

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Researching different Developers and artist has really changed on how I do things, I have learnt so much about hard surfacing modelling narrative in environments and the process of becoming a 3D artist. with much more research to come in the future, it will guide me onto a better path of becoming a developer for my job in the future.