3D:wooden Cart model

Here I have inserted some wire frame pictures of my my mesh . The Total amount of poly counts  without optimisation is 75 thousand.

Cart 001.png

Here I have made 2 more different carts for this project, One longer then the original one and the other  big and wider with 4 wheels. I recreated the wheels to be more realistic and to look better then just plane circle planes.wooden train 1.png


For this small brief I created a Wooden wagon that was presented by Paul Starkey,The image will be inserted into a link Here. The wagon was very easy to model but then again I have had much more experience with this software  then some of the people in my class.

I made my wooden wagon using only 3 shapes, plane, cylinder,and a box. I see wooden wagons in game  and they seem to be destroyed  or broken,So I wanted mine too look like it has been well used , This could be for carrying rocks or larger timber from the sawmill.