Factory maps layouts

Because I have created some visual images that you can find, here about my environment, I had designed some map layouts that will be placed on the top left of my HUD.

The mechanic of having a map is vital to our game, it allows the player to have easy direction on where the player is going.

At first, I started to sketch out my map layout onto paper, I then scanned the picture so that I could drag it into Photoshop. Because my sketches looked too bright that you couldn’t hardly see my images, I had changed the level and curve by using the modified in photoshop.

Now I have presented my sketches of the Map, I decided I wanted to experiment by drawing the maps digitally. This would give me a cleaner and more accurate look to my map design. In the digital version, there is a tallied chart that gives you information about what’s on the map. For example, the red box indicates the door.

Digital factory room mapsfactory room maps


With the map layout, I wish I had done pareidolia to expand my ideas in a much more unique way.but for the end result, it did turn out fine.  In the future, I will improve on what I am doing wrong.



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